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Prince Court Motel Guidelines for Customers

This is a copy of Prince Court's Guidelines, as seen in every room there.
To our Valued Guests
Security and Valuables
Please lock your room. All valuables such as jewelry, substantial cash, etc. must be deposited with the cashier. Also, please lock your car. The management is not responsible for anything lost or left by the guest trough their own negligence, theft or forced majeure.
Please give your room attendant about a minute to check the room before you leave. Also kindly surrender your room key at the counter upon leaving the hotel. If you wish to have any of the items inside the room as a souvenir, Please inform the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) and we will let you have it at cost. Missing items or damage on properties (including vandalism or Graffito) inside your room will be charged to you correspondingly.


To keep you satisfied, we maintain EXACTING STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE which demand the highest level of discipline, respect, and courtesy on the part of our personnel. Although our people are trained to be efficient and courteous, they are also human and can commit mistakes. You can help us cut down errors.

Check the room number on your chit. We are computerized, but human errors, such as faulty key punching or accidental switching of chits are possible.

A few employees might be tempted to solicit tips. Should you have any misgivings, we would welcome your complaints. Ask for the Officer-In-Charge or call this telephone number at 225-8088.

We can facilitate acting on your complaints if you write us a note identifying the name, room number, the time, and the incident.

Thank you for choosing to stay with us.


PrinceCourt Hotel and Restaurant

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